Care Packages

This is your postpartum period, so every visit is guided by you. You can ask for as much or as little as you need. Below is just a few of the things that a visit may include.

  • Birth debrief

  • Non-judgmental chat to support your emotional well-being, addressing any concerns, questions, and celebrating your wins.

  • Light household chores (washing clothes, washing dishes, changing sheets, emptying bins, etc.)

  • Run errands for you and your family (or if you prefer, join you to help with the physical and mental load)

  • Pet care (walking, feeding, playing)

  • Hands on baby care (settling techniques, feeding, nappy changes and much more)

  • Respite so you can get some much-needed rest or self-care (like taking a long bath using your Epsom salt soak from your nurture pack or enjoying some time to focus on your special interest)

  • Breastfeeding advice and support

  • Spending time with older siblings (games, talking, homework, snacks etc.)

  • Light meals and snacks

  • A gentle walk or warm drink in the sun

  • The support and guidance you need to feel nourished physically and mentally.

  • Attend appointments with you (a second pair of hands and ears to help navigate appointments that may otherwise be overwhelming)

I am everything

Package 1

Feel supported, nurtured, heard and empowered for 8 weeks.

Package Includes:

  • 1 x 2 hours Postpartum planning session

session held between 34 and 38 weeks

Choice of Blanket, Plushie or Lovey.

  • Access to my baby carrier library

try different styles on before you buy your own

  • Access to books and resources

  • Access to email and text support between visits

From 38 weeks pregnant up to 2 weeks after your last home visit)

Investment - $4,160

I am Worthy

Package 2

Feel supported, nurtured, heard and empowered for 8 weeks.

Package Includes:

  • 1 x 2 hours Postpartum planning session

session held between 34 and 38 weeks

Choice of Blanket, Plushie or Lovey.

  • Access to my baby carrier library

try different styles on before you buy your own

  • Access to books and resources

  • Access to email and text support between visits

From 38 weeks pregnant up to 2 weeks after your last home visit)

Investment - $2,240

I am enough

Package 3

Bub might have graduated from the newborn stage*, that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve to feel supported, nurtured, heard and empowered. Fill your cup with access to a dedicated doula for 4 weeks.

Package Includes:

  • 1 x 4 hour in home visits per week

  • 1 delicious Homemade treat each week

  • Self-Care Pack

  • Access to my baby carrier library

try different styles on before you buy your own

  • Access to books and resources

  • Access to email and text support between visits

From the first visit up to 2 weeks after your last home visit)

Investment - $1,120

*Baby is older than 6 weeks and less than 12 months old.

I am Valued

Package 4

Feel nurtured and rested with overnight* support. I will take care of you, bub and your home, while you take care of your much needed rest.

Package Includes:

  • 1 x overnight visit OR 1 x half night visit

  • Light household chores

  • Breastfeeding / bottle feeding support

  • Assistance with older children's bedtime routines

  • Breakfast made for you before I leave in the morning.

For overnight visit

  • Access to email and text support between visits

  • 10% off when combined with another package

Investment - Full night -$600

Half Night - $325

*Full night is a 1 x 10 hour visit between 8pm to 6am

*Half night is a 1 x 5 hour visit between 7am and midnight